neck pain when looking down

How can PT help if you feel neck pain when looking down?

November 6th, 2023

Has a persistent feeling of pain in your neck been a source of physical and mental discomfort lately? Neck pain is a common condition that affects nearly 80% of people in the U.S. at some point during their lives. Despite its commonality, neck pain can be highly disruptive to everyday tasks. Left unmanaged, it can

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physical therapy breaking up scar tissue

Breaking up scar tissue with physical therapy

October 4th, 2023

Scar tissue can develop due to injury, trauma or surgery. Scar development is completely normal, occurring when the fibrous tissue replaces normal tissue during the body’s natural healing process. Scar tissue is less elastic as the healthy tissue it replaces. While its purpose is to help heal and protect the body, it can also restrict

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Why do I have inner ankle pain but no swelling?

Why do I have inner ankle pain but no swelling?

September 11th, 2023

Ankle pain is no joke. It can cause a major disruption to your daily routine and cause everyday movements like walking or standing after sitting to be painful. If you are experiencing inner ankle pain but no swelling, you may not know the cause of your symptoms. Health care professionals like physical therapists can help

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