What is sciatic nerve pain?

What Is Sciatic Nerve Pain

Learning what sciatic nerve pain is isn’t too hard, but it can be tougher to figure out the cause of your pain and find effective treatment for it. Fortunately, physical therapists can help you meet all three of these needs. 

You have two sciatic nerves in your body, and they run from your lower back, through your buttocks and down the back of each of your legs. Sciatic nerve pain occurs when one of these nerves becomes pinched or irritated. This condition is also called sciatica. A physical therapist can help you determine what is causing your sciatic nerve pain, and they can also help you find effective treatment for your pain and other sciatica symptoms. 

What is causing my sciatic nerve pain?

Physical therapists are schooled in the intricacies of the human musculoskeletal system. This system includes issues like sciatica. Their knowledge also allows them to help you learn the underlying cause of your sciatic nerve pain. Some common issues that lead to this type of pain are: 

What is a physical therapist able to do for sciatic nerve pain?

There are many treatment options that physical therapists can offer for sciatica symptoms. Most physical therapists will construct a unique therapy plan for you, and this plan will combine multiple therapy methods. A few of the therapy methods your plan may include are: 

  • Therapeutic exercises that can improve lower back flexibility and strengthen muscles that support the lower spine. 
  • McKenzie Method® sessions intended to help identify your lower back issue, educate you as a patient about your issue, treat it and prevent its recurrence. 

Learn more about what sciatic nerve pain is and how to treat it at Panther Physical Therapy

Still want to know more about what sciatic nerve pain is and how to treat it? Our Panther PT team is ready to help you answer any questions you have about this condition. We can first do a free screening of your spine to confirm that your symptoms are sciatica related; then, our physical therapists can build you an individualized therapy plan designed to reduce your symptoms and prevent future lower back issues. 

Is your lower back pain making it harder to leave home? No problem! Instead of coming into one of our clinics, you can sign up for an at-home care or virtual therapy session with our team. 

Contact our team today for more information about our sciatica treatment services or to schedule an initial appointment.