Two exercises to help reduce arthritis-related back pain

Arthritis Back Pain

The structures in your spine, like those in your joints, tend to wear out over time. This wearing can lead to inflammation in spinal structures, which is called spinal osteoarthritis. 

The most common symptom of spinal osteoarthritis is pain in some area of the back. The lower back is one of the areas where many people develop spinal osteoarthritis — medical studies report that up to 85% of Americans develop this issue in their lower back. Physical therapy can do a lot to help reduce back arthritis pain, and therapeutic exercises are one of a physical therapist’s most potent tools. Some of the exercises that your physical therapist may prescribe to help address your pain include the: 

  1. “W” stretch

Purpose: This stretching exercise is intended to stretch the chest and upper back muscles, which can help reduce pain from spinal arthritis in the upper back. 

How to do the “W” stretch: 

  • Stand up with your feet together and with good posture. 
  • Place your arms by your sides with your elbows in and palms facing forward. 
  • Bend your elbows upward so that your arms form a “W” shape. 
  • Gently move your elbows backward until you feel your shoulder blades come together. 
  • Hold this position for three to five seconds. 
  • Continue to repeat the stretch until you’ve done six to 10 repetitions. 
  1. Knee-to-chest stretch

Purpose: This stretch seeks to reduce tension in the lower back, hip and glute muscles and decrease lower back arthritis pain. 

How to do the knee-to-chest stretch:

  • Lie down flat on your back on a yoga mat or bed. 
  • Bend your right knee so that your foot is flat on the chosen surface. 
  • Wrap your hands around the back of your thigh just above the knee. 
  • Slowly pull your knee back toward your chest until you feel a moderate stretch. 
  • Hold this stretch for 15 to 20 seconds. 
  • Slowly return your right leg to the surface, and then stretch your left side. 
  • Repeat the stretch until you’ve done it three times total on each side. 

Panther Physical Therapy offers treatment for back arthritis pain

Experiencing pain in your back from spinal osteoarthritis? Our specialists at Panther PT are prepared to help you find ways to manage and even reduce your pain. We offer free screenings that can help you and your therapist learn the severity of your back arthritis. 

In addition, our physical therapists excel at creating customized physical therapy plans designed to address your specific symptom. Even better, you can get our help treating your spinal osteoarthritis without leaving home by signing up for at-home care or virtual therapy sessions with us. 

Contact our team today for more information about our arthritis treatment services or to schedule an initial appointment.