Low Back Pain Treatment

Three therapy options to consider for low back pain treatment

March 5th, 2020

Low back pain can make it more difficult to do many normal daily tasks. Walking could become a burden. Bending over to pick up objects could become nearly impossible. Even just bending forward to grab your drink off the table could lead to pain. It’s estimated that about 80% of people will experience lower back

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Tennis Elbow Exercises to Avoid

Three exercises to avoid to keep tennis elbow from worsening

March 4th, 2020

Pain on the outside of the elbow. Stiffness in the elbow when waking up in the morning. Increased elbow pain when grasping objects or repeatedly moving the elbow. If you have all these symptoms, it’s a good bet that you have a condition called lateral epicondylitis.  More commonly, this condition is called tennis elbow. It’s

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Fibromyalgia Pain Relief

Reduce fibromyalgia pain with two stretches in Wexford, PA

February 8th, 2020

Drugs are one of the most common treatment options for fibromyalgia in Wexford, Pennsylvania. However, some people might be looking for natural alternatives that can help provide fibromyalgia pain relief. Physical therapists can offer many natural treatment options for treating this condition, and one of the most commonly used of these options is therapeutic exercises.

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