Muscle strain in your back: Causes and treatment options

June 1st, 2023

You’re going about your day-to-day activities when you have a sudden onset of back pain. If accompanied by limited range of motion and stiffness, you might be suffering from a muscle strain in your back.   Back pain is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical care and affects nearly 60-80% of people

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Neck misalignment: Symptoms, signs and treatments

May 5th, 2023

Neck misalignment can reveal itself in a number of different ways. This condition can lead to serious discomfort and even chronic neck pain. If you feel a sharp pain in your neck after a long day of work, or experience neck pain when you wake up in the morning, you may be suffering from neck

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Burning sensation in your lower back and abdomen: Here are some possible explanations

April 5th, 2023

Experiencing a burning sensation in your lower back and abdomen can be alarming and uncomfortable. These sensations can be intense, causing pain in your lower back and abdomen. When experiencing this symptom, someone may panic and assume the worst. Fortunately, burning sensations are not always associated with extreme conditions. The sensation can be caused by

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