pain behind the knee

What causes my knee to hurt when straight but not when bent?

May 5th, 2020

Knee pain comes in many forms. Often, knee pain is nothing more than mild soreness or stiffness after physical activity or bumping into a table. However, several conditions can cause knee pain that lasts for a long time and limits your range of motion. Some conditions affect the knees in unique ways. One way you

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Hip Bursitis Recovery Time

Which exercises can improve your hip bursitis recovery time?

March 7th, 2020

Hip bursitis is a condition that’s common in both active and sedentary people. In active people, it’s commonly caused by repetitive movements that inflame the bursa on the point of the hip. Hip bursitis is also possible in sedentary people because their muscles are often tight, and these tight muscles can lead to high levels

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Can’t Bend Knee Without Pain

Three reasons why you can’t bend your knee without pain

March 6th, 2020

It might feel like you’re the only person in the world dealing with knee pain. But nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, medical researchers estimate that about 25% of adults are affected by frequent knee pain.  Though knee pain isn’t limited to you, it can affect your body in ways that are

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