Migraine pain is often intense and can cause you to basically shut down until the migraine passes. Migraines can be triggered by several factors like bright lights, smells or loud noises. For many, migraines are also connected to pain and tension in the neck. If you suffer from intense and frequent migraines, physical therapy may

Why you may need to see a physical therapist in Harmony, PA, for migraine treatment
December 6th, 2019
Two cervical therapy exercises used in Wexford, PA
November 8th, 2019Degenerative disc disease can be a serious issue, and it’s typically caused by the natural wear and tear of aging. What happens is that the cushioning discs in your spine lose water as you age. This causes them to become thinner, and it makes them more vulnerable to injury. Many people experience degenerative disc disease

Two reasons finger bending hurts in Allison Park, PA
November 7th, 2019The fingers are designed to perform many types of movements. They allow you to make the delicate strokes required to write your name, but these structures also allow you to open doors and lift heavy objects. If you’re feeling pain when bending your fingers, it can make doing all these tasks much harder, but you