It’s safe to say almost everyone has been surprised with how quickly and drastically our lives have been changed with the coronavirus outbreak and resulting COVID-19 pandemic. With orders from government agencies regarding social distancing and sheltering in place being the norm, people are making choices about what aspects of their life to put on

What to expect from virtual physical therapy — a quick overview
April 1st, 2020
Reduce fibromyalgia pain with two stretches in Wexford, PA
February 8th, 2020Drugs are one of the most common treatment options for fibromyalgia in Wexford, Pennsylvania. However, some people might be looking for natural alternatives that can help provide fibromyalgia pain relief. Physical therapists can offer many natural treatment options for treating this condition, and one of the most commonly used of these options is therapeutic exercises.

Two exercises to do pre- and post-hip replacement in Wexford, PA
January 9th, 2020There are likely several people considering having a hip replacement in Wexford, Pennsylvania, at any given time. This isn’t surprising considering that an article published by the National Institutes of Health reported that 2.5 million Americans had this type of surgery in 2010. Total hip replacements are often performed to help patients with serious hip