Degenerative disc disease can be a serious issue, and it’s typically caused by the natural wear and tear of aging. What happens is that the cushioning discs in your spine lose water as you age. This causes them to become thinner, and it makes them more vulnerable to injury. Many people experience degenerative disc disease

Two cervical therapy exercises used in Wexford, PA
November 8th, 2019
Two reasons you have sharp pains in the side of your neck
November 4th, 2019The neck isn’t just a structure that holds your head up. Its vertebrae protect the spinal cord as it runs down into the back, and the neck also helps move your head, which increases how much you can see. After all, think about how limited your vision would be without a mobile neck. However, people

Three easy herniated neck disc treatment exercises
September 2nd, 2019A herniated disc occurs when the spongy inner material of the disc pokes out of the tough outer disc shell. This issue can cause pain and other symptoms, and it’s a common neck injury. For example, car accidents and sports impacts can lead to herniated neck discs. Fortunately, there are three herniated neck disc treatment