4 roles a physical therapist can play in treating shoulder impingements

Treating Shoulder Impingement

A shoulder impingement happens when one of the tendons in the shoulder rubs against the shoulder bone or another tendon. This leads to stiffness and a loss of flexibility in the arm. It also causes uncomfortable shoulder pain that gets worse when you try to lift your arm above your head. The cause of shoulder impingements are usually repetitive overhead motions, such as using a paint roller or playing sports like tennis.

If left untreated, shoulder impingement injuries can become much worse. If the affected tendon or muscle is placed under too much stress, there is a risk it can tear. Thankfully, most shoulder impingement injuries can be treated with physical therapy.

How can physical therapists help with treating my shoulder impingement?

While a shoulder impingement injury may take up to six months to completely heal, a licensed physical therapist can help speed up your recovery. Here are a few roles a physical therapist may take on while treating a shoulder impingement injury.

  1. Joint movement facilitator — Your physical therapist may use manual therapy techniques. They are designed to relieve your shoulder pain, restore your mobility, and reduce stiffness. By massaging and mobilizing the soft tissue of the shoulder with their hands, physical therapists can break up any scar tissue that is causing stiffness and discomfort.
  1. Electrical stimulation monitor — Electrical stimulation uses a machine to send small electrical pulses to painful areas of the body. Pain relief, reduced stiffness, reducing muscle spasms and increasing circulation are all potential benefits of electrical stimulation therapy.
  1. Therapeutic exercise demonstrator — A physical therapist can guide you through therapeutic exercises designed to treat shoulder impingement injuries. These exercises can help to improve the strength and flexibility of your shoulder as well as relieving pain.
  1. A preventer of future injury — One of the most important roles a physical therapist can play is to help prevent further injury to your shoulder. They can instruct you on proper posture as well as at-home exercises you can use to prevent your shoulder from becoming injured again.

How can I begin treating my shoulder impingement with physical therapy?

Panther Physical Therapy has a team of licensed physical therapy specialists standing by to help treat your shoulder impingement. We will work closely with you to create a physical therapy plan tailored to your needs. A free screening at one of our clinics is the first step to get you started on the road to recovery.

Contact our team today for more information about treating your shoulder injury or to schedule an initial appointment.