Telemedicine is an exciting trend in the health care field at large, and many experts believe that physical therapy is one of the most ideal applications for this technology. In the same way that video conferencing allows you to connect virtually with friends, family and co-workers, it can also let you consult and receive treatment

Virtual physical therapy and COVID-19 FAQ
April 2nd, 2020The spread of the coronavirus has caused nearly every person and organization to fundamentally change the way they carry out daily activities. If you’re a current or prospective physical therapy patient, we’re sure you have many questions. That’s why we’ve prepared the following guide to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) and the answers you

What to expect from virtual physical therapy — a quick overview
April 1st, 2020It’s safe to say almost everyone has been surprised with how quickly and drastically our lives have been changed with the coronavirus outbreak and resulting COVID-19 pandemic. With orders from government agencies regarding social distancing and sheltering in place being the norm, people are making choices about what aspects of their life to put on