What you need to know about text neck

text neck

Humans are no strangers to neck pain, but there is a new term floating around in recent history because of its connection to a modern invention. We’re talking about “text neck.”

Text neck is not an official medical diagnosis, but it is a term that refers to repetitive stress on the neck from excessive use of a smartphone. When many of us use our phones to text, browse the internet or play a game, we hold them down at a comfortable level for our arms. This forces us to look downward, which stresses the muscles and soft tissue in the neck.

As you assume this position on a regular basis, you may start to develop ongoing pain and stiffness in your neck and shoulders, which is what becomes known as text neck.

Symptoms of text neck

The symptoms of text neck usually include one or more of the following:

  • Pain in the back of your neck, upper back or shoulders.
  • Difficulty maintaining good posture when not texting.
  • Stiffness and limited range of motion.
  • Headaches.

Whether or not you spend a lot of time on your phone, if you have any of these symptoms, you should visit a health care professional for treatment.

Treatment for text neck

The best treatment for text neck is prevention. When using your phone, hold it at a level where you can view it without staring down and straining your neck. However, if you already have neck pain from looking at your phone, you may need to visit a physical therapist for treatment.

Physical therapy for neck pain can help reduce pain, improve your range of motion and prevent future pain. Treatment always looks different for each person depending on their personal needs, but generally includes:

  • Gentle stretches and exercises
  • Hands-on therapy
  • Posture guidance
  • Patient education and more

Visit Panther Physical Therapy for text neck treatment

Do you have long-lasting neck pain related to spending a lot of time on your smartphone? Our team at Panther Physical Therapy is here to help. We can examine your neck and guide you through a personalized treatment to help you recover. Contact our team for more information about text neck or to schedule an initial appointment.