Treating lower back pain with physical therapy in Wexford, PA

Physical Therapy for Lower Back Pain

A bout of lower back pain here or there is a normal part of life for most people. However, lower back pain that lasts for weeks or months may be more serious and requires professional health care attention.

One way to treat lower back pain is with physical therapy.

Types of lower back pain physical therapy can treat

Physical therapists are able to treat many types of lower back pain. Some of the most common types of lower back pain we treat at Panther Physical Therapy in Wexford, Pennsylvania, include:

  • Muscle strains — Muscle strains in the back and the core can occur for a number of reasons. Overexertion from a lot of physical activity or tension from sitting for too long can cause pain in the muscles that affects your lower back. Physical therapists can help improve the strength and flexibility of these muscles for better back support.

  • Herniated disc — A herniated disc puts pressure on the nerves in your spine. This pressure is made worse by a lack of support from the muscles. Physical therapists can improve the support of the muscles around a herniated disc to help reduce pressure off the vertebrae.

  • Sciatica — Sciatica is a condition that affects the lower back and one or both of your legs. Physical therapists can help reduce pain caused by sciatica as well as the causes of the condition itself.

  • Arthritis — Arthritis can cause pain in the vertebrae in your spine, which is made worse when the muscles cannot help support your back. Physical therapy treatments can help reduce pain and improve mobility in the spine as well as improving the support your muscles can provide.

  • Spinal stenosis — Spinal stenosis is a condition in which the spinal column grows more narrow and puts pressure on the nerves in the spine. Physical therapy treatments can provide more support for the spine in this situation and improve its flexibility.

Visit Panther Physical Therapy in Wexford for lower back pain treatment

Lower back pain can make it difficult to live your fullest quality of life. Our team at Panther Physical Therapy can help you reduce lower back pain and improve your range of motion. Contact us today to learn more about chronic lower back pain treatment or to schedule an initial appointment.