Signs you need balance disorder treatment

Balance Disorder Treatment

Do you feel dizzy or unsteady? When you walk, do you feel like you’re going to fall over? Are you experiencing any blurriness, lightheadedness or a floating sensation? If so, this may be a sign that you have a balance disorder and need immediate treatment. Balance disorder is often caused by problems such as ear infections, head injuries or blood circulation disorders. However, there are also many balance disorders that begin without an apparent cause.

It is often recommended to visit an otolaryngologist, which is a physician that specializes in the ear, nose and throat, to diagnose balance disorder. These specialists will take a detailed medical history to rule out if medication or a medical condition caused the condition. If your symptoms are due to a medical condition, diagnostic tests will be run to determine the cause and severity of the balance disorder as well as the treatment plan necessary to relieve your symptoms. To learn about the types of balance disorder treatments, read the following article.

Balance disorder treatment methods

Due to the broad causes of this condition, there are a variety of treatment methods for balance disorder. These methods may include treating the underlying causes of the balance disorder once the diagnosis is received. For instance, if your condition occurs as a result of Meniere’s disease, a disorder of the inner ear that leads to vertigo and hearing loss, then treatment may include a low sodium diet, antibiotics and a reduction of alcohol, caffeine and tobacco.

A series of balance-retraining exercises conducted by a physical therapist is also a common balance disorder treatment. A physical therapist will work with you to develop a customized program that reduces dizziness, compensates for the lack of balance, prevents falls and maintains physical activity so you can return to activities like playing with your grandchildren, walking your dog or going food shopping.

Balance disorder treatment at Panther Physical Therapy

If you are experiencing balance disorder, the dedicated specialists at Panther Physical Therapy are standing by to help you regain your quality of life. Our team will work with you to establish your goals and treatments that will provide you with lasting relief from your balance issues without the need for a cane or walker.

At Panther Physical Therapy, our world-class therapists are dedicated to helping patients get back to their daily routines. Contact us today to learn more about our balance disorder treatment methods and to schedule an initial appointment.