Pain in both jaw and ear: Two issues that could cause it

Pain in Jaw and Ear

The jaw joint and the ear have different jobs, but they’re very close to each other physically. This close proximity is important because it can make people think both structures are in pain when the source is only located in one of them. Doctors call this type of pain referred pain. 

Of the various issues that can cause referred pain in the jaw and ear, there are three in particular that commonly lead to soreness in these body parts. 

1.  Temporomandibular joint dysfunction

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is what medical professionals call the jaw joint. This joint does a lot of work every day, and it’s moving every time you chew food, talk or yawn. The TMJ is also located right next to the temporal bone, which is where the inner ear is located. The closeness of these two structures means that any TMJ issues can lead to pain in the jaw and ear. 

TMJ dysfunction is often the cause of pain in both areas, and several factors can cause this. Misalignment or weakness in the jaw muscles can lead to TMJ dysfunction. Grinding your teeth has also been known to cause this condition, and repetitive motions like gum chewing have also been linked to TMJ dysfunction in some people. 

2.  Jaw osteoarthritis

Pain in the jaw and ear can also be caused by jaw joint osteoarthritis. TMJ osteoarthritis is the result of cartilage in this joint wearing out as you age, and people who have injured their jaw are at greater risk of developing arthritis in the TMJ. Poor head and neck posture can also contribute to the development of TMJ osteoarthritis. Also, impacts from playing contact sports like football or rugby can lead to jaw cartilage injuries, and such injuries can transmit pain into multiple areas of your head. 

Panther Physical Therapy can help you find relief from pain in the jaw and ear

Are you looking for help with pain in your jaw and ear? Our Panther Physical Therapy team has the help you’re looking for. We can perform a free screening for you, and this service is intended to help pinpoint the source of your pain. Our team can also build you a personalized therapy plan to help reduce the pain of issues like TMJ dysfunction and jaw osteoarthritis. The plans we create can offer many benefits, and these benefits can come from therapy techniques we use in your plan, such as: 

Don’t wait to start getting our help. Contact our team today for more information about the jaw and ear issues we can treat or to schedule an appointment.