What Causes Painful Finger Joints

What is causing my finger joints to feel painful?

April 5th, 2021

It’s almost impossible to count how many times your finger joints move every day. You use them to type. They help your fingers curl around the handle of your coffee mug. However, even these normal daily tasks can become tougher if you have painful finger joints.  Hand and finger pain is more common than many

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Can You Break Up Scar Tissue

Who can help you break up scar tissue?

April 1st, 2021

Many people have small scars from a scrape or cut. Often, these fade away with time. However, scar tissue inside your body can be more problematic. You can find ways to break up internal scar tissue, and one  medical professional who can help you break up internal scar tissue is a physical therapist.  How do

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Lower Neck Pain

These problems could be behind your lower neck pain

March 5th, 2021

Feeling pain in the lower part of your neck? Discomfort in this area can be very problematic. In fact, it can make it harder to do any task that requires lifting your arms or turning your head. Fortunately, physical therapists can help you figure out what issue is behind your pain.  Neck pain is one

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