back pain treatment

Physical therapists can help you find lower back pain treatment

October 3rd, 2020

Walking your kids to the bus stop. Loading the dishwasher. Getting through a whole day of work. If you suffer from lower back pain, you know how difficult such everyday tasks can become.  It’s estimated that 80% of adults experience back pain at some point in their lifetime. This means that you’re not alone in

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Harmony PA Rehabilitation

Physical therapy treatment options in Harmony, PA

October 1st, 2020

Osteoarthritis in your hands that makes grabbing objects hard. A car accident on the way to work. Spraining an ankle playing flag football with your friends. These and many other activities can be sources of a painful injury.  Fortunately, physical therapists in Harmony, Pennsylvania, have experience helping people treat many types of injuries and medical

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Physical Therapy Benefits

The top three benefits of physical therapy

September 8th, 2020

Do you currently have an acute or chronic pain condition affecting your daily life? Maybe you’re struggling with back pain, a sports injury or impairments following an auto accident. Perhaps you have someone in your family who is experiencing pain and dysfunction.  Whatever physical issues you or your loved ones are facing, a physical therapist

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