What can I do to prevent wrist pain from typing?

Wrist Pain From Typing

Typing is one of the most commonly performed daily activities. We do it when we send text messages. It helps us get out those work emails and proposals, but you can also develop wrist pain from typing. 

Unfortunately, typing is more likely to lead to wrist pain than you might think; it is a repetitive motion, and these often lead to pain. One study found that 6% of non-manual workers develop wrist pain in any given week. There are steps you can take to deal with wrist pain, and the most effective is to prevent wrist pain from typing in the first place.

Three steps you can take to prevent wrist pain from typing

Preventing wrist pain from typing is often possible by making some minor adjustments to your life. Some of the preventive measures you can take include: 

  1. Taking more frequent breaks — The negative effects of repetitive movements, like typing, accumulate over time. You can often avoid pain and other effects of typing by taking a break from this activity. This allows your wrists the chance to rest and recover a bit. For instance, you could do 20 minutes of typing and then spend a few minutes making phone calls or doing other nontyping work tasks. 
  1. Stretching out your forearms — Your wrists are controlled by muscles in your forearms. Typing for long stretches can leave these muscles tense and sore, which can leave you open to wrist pain. Taking a few minutes to stretch your forearm muscles can help improve their flexibility and decrease your risk of wrist pain. 
  1. Working with a physical therapist — Even before your wrist pain starts, a physical therapist can help you. These specialists can do an ergonomics assessment of your workspace and your form when doing work tasks like typing. They can then make recommendations to help prevent work-related injuries and pain. Some of the suggestions your therapist could make include: 
  • Getting an ergonomic keyboard and mouse.
  • Improving your typing posture.
  • Using talk-to-type software. 

Panther Physical Therapy can help you prevent wrist pain from typing

Looking for physical therapists who can help you prevent wrist pain from typing? Our therapists at Panther PT can help you prevent this and other work injuries and conditions. We offer free screenings that can identify underlying issues that can lead to wrist pain. Our specialists also excel at creating individualized therapy plans intended to reduce your risk of a work injury. 

Don’t have time to do in-person therapy sessions? That’s OK! Our at-home care and virtual therapy services allow our team to help you right in your own home. 

Contact our team today for more information about how we can prevent and treat wrist pain or to schedule an initial appointment.