Sneaky Cardio Harmony, Physical Therapy Allison Park & Wexford, PA

Three fun ways to incorporate cardio for cardio haters

September 2nd, 2020

Are you someone who avoids cardio like the plague? That’s understandable, but there are important reasons why you should rethink this position.  Studies show that cardio burns more calories per workout session than weight training. It’s also vital for building stronger hearts and lungs. Physical therapists can be a lot of help if you hate

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Nutrition for performance

Five nutrients you need for stronger performance

September 1st, 2020

How much thought do you give to your nutrition? Many people eat whatever they like; however, not paying close attention to your nutrition can have repercussions for your physical performance.  Most people need between 1,300 and 3,000 calories per day to keep their body fueled. Athletes can require many more calories than this, and some

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