The neck isn’t just a structure that holds your head up. Its vertebrae protect the spinal cord as it runs down into the back, and the neck also helps move your head, which increases how much you can see. After all, think about how limited your vision would be without a mobile neck. However, people

Two reasons you have sharp pains in the side of your neck
November 4th, 2019
This is the most commonly pulled middle back muscle
November 3rd, 2019There are several muscles in the middle back, and this part of your back runs from the base of your neck to the bottom of the ribs. Pulling or straining a muscle in the middle back can be a painful issue, and it’s a common source of back pain. It can keep you from doing

Two drawbacks of avoiding post-knee surgery physical therapy
November 2nd, 2019Physical therapy is commonly used to help people who have had a total knee replacement. But some people do everything they can to avoid doing physical therapy after their knee surgery. Every patient has the right to choose to do therapy or not, but choosing not to do it can have many negative consequences. Here