Sports Injury

Treat your Sports Injury at Panther Physical Therapy

October 15th, 2018

Playing sports is a great way to interact with people while getting some exercise. The universal appeal of sports is one of the reasons why sports injuries are so common. Anytime you are participating in sports you are at risk of being injured. You can take every precaution available, but you can’t control what your

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Lower Back Pain Treatment

Lower Back Pain Treatment at Panther Physical Therapy

October 12th, 2018

Lower back pain is one of the many physical signs that we are aging. Treating lower back pain starts with understanding the cause of the pain. Once we know what is causing the pain, we can begin to put together a treatment plan to help treat your pain effectively. Causes of lower back pain Lower

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Headache Treatment

Headache Treatment at Panther Physical Therapy

October 7th, 2018

Headaches are one of the most common aches a person can experience. Though most headaches can be treated by taking a nap, some type of over-the-counter pain medication, or drinking water or coffee, some headaches require a bit more before they will go away. To be able to treat your pain effectively, it is important

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