Two exercises to do pre- and post-hip replacement in Wexford, PA

Exercises After Hip Replacement

There are likely several people considering having a hip replacement in Wexford, Pennsylvania, at any given time. This isn’t surprising considering that an article published by the National Institutes of Health reported that 2.5 million Americans had this type of surgery in 2010. Total hip replacements are often performed to help patients with serious hip pain. People considering this type of surgery should also know that there are exercises that can benefit them, and many of these exercises can be done both before and after a hip replacement, including these two examples. 

  1. Standing leg extension

People who are still relatively mobile can benefit from doing standing leg extensions both before and after hip replacement surgery. The exercise is intended to strengthen several muscles that support the hip. Some of these muscles include the glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings. 

To begin this therapeutic exercise, you’ll need to stand behind a stable chair and place your hands on the back of the chair. This is intended to help you keep your balance. You’ll also want to make sure you’re standing with your back straight, shoulders back and hips level. From this starting position, slowly move the affected leg backward until your foot is off the floor. You should continue raising your leg until it’s as high as you can comfortably lift it. Hold this position for about five seconds. Then, you can slowly return your leg to the starting position. You should try to repeat these steps at least 10 times twice a day, but you can do fewer reps if you experience increased pain. 

  1. Quadriceps sets

Quadriceps sets are an exercise that less mobile patients can do before and after a hip replacement. The exercise is designed to isolate the quadriceps muscle on the front of your thigh, and this muscle plays a major role in supporting the hip joint. 

Getting into the starting position for quadriceps sets involves lying down on a bed or flat surface. While lying down, your legs, head, neck and back should all be straight, and your toes should be pointed toward the ceiling. Once in the starting position, push the knee of your affected leg down against the surface, and you should tighten your quadriceps muscle while you do this. Keep your quad tightened for five or six seconds. Then you can relax and let your leg return to the starting position. You should continue to repeat these steps until you’ve completed eight to 10 repetitions with about 10 seconds of rest between each repetition if necessary. 

Panther Physical Therapy in Wexford, PA, can help patients before and after their hip replacement surgery

Therapeutic exercise is just one therapy method included in pre-surgical rehab and post-surgical rehab plans for hip replacement patients at Panther Physical Therapy. In addition, our Wexford clinic offers personalized therapy plans that can also include: 

We even offer free screenings to help you get started with your pre- and post-surgical rehab. 

Contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment if you’re planning to have or have recently had a hip replacement.

