Treating aches and pains at home with virtual physical therapy

virtual physical therapy

If you’re suffering from long-lasting pain or an injury that’s affecting your day-to-day life, one of the options you have for treatment is to visit a physical therapist. However, sometimes it’s not possible for you to visit a physical therapy clinic to get the treatment you need. Viral pandemic, like the COVID-19 crisis, drives the need for everyone to stay indoors. Or, you may have a condition that affects your ability to drive or use public transportation safely. 

These circumstances shouldn’t prevent you from receiving the treatment you need for your aches and pains. That’s why there is a service available for you at home known as virtual physical therapy.

What is virtual physical therapy?

Virtual physical therapy is a service that connects you and your physical therapist through a live, secure, one-on-one video call. During this call, your physical therapist can see and hear you, and you can see and hear them. This allows them to monitor your treatment in live time and to recommend adjustments to your routine. It also allows you to report how your treatment is making you feel and allows you to ask any questions you may have.

How does virtual physical therapy work?

Virtual physical therapy is relatively easy to set up. All you need is:

  • A reliable internet connection
  • A communication device with video capability, such as a smartphone, tablet or laptop
  • Loose clothing that allows you freedom of movement
  • An open space without any clutter or tripping hazards on the floor

During your virtual physical therapy appointment, your physical therapist will guide you through therapeutic exercises, stretches, posture guidance and other techniques that can help you with your pain. Many of the methods your physical therapist will guide you through are the same as what they would use in a clinic. The main difference is that they cannot administer hands-on treatments that might be used if you were in the clinic. However, you can still expect a thorough treatment with what your physical therapist can guide you through using virtual physical therapy.

Talk to Panther Physical Therapy today about virtual physical therapy

Our team understands that it’s not always a safe option for you to leave your home for physical therapy. That’s why we’re available to provide virtual physical therapy if you feel safer staying at home. Contact our team today for more information about virtual physical therapy or to schedule an initial appointment.