Three issues that cause pain when bending or straightening the elbow

Elbow Pain

Your elbows are busy moving on a daily basis. They help you lift a glass to your mouth so you can drink. This joint straightens your arm so you can grab objects above your head, and these are just a few of the normal daily movements you use your elbow for. 

Such movements can become much more difficult when you have pain when bending or straightening your elbow. People who are experiencing this type of pain could have one of these three issues: 

  1. Tennis elbow

The formal medical term for one condition that can cause pain when bending or straightening the elbow is lateral epicondylitis. However, most people know this condition as tennis elbow. Tennis elbow affects the tendons that connect the forearm muscles to the outside of the elbow. It’s typically caused by repetitive movements that inflame the outer elbow tendons, but playing tennis isn’t the only way to get this condition. Any job or task that involves repetitive elbow movements can cause tennis elbow. Assembly line workers are especially vulnerable to this issue, and commercial painters are as well. 

  1. Osteoarthritis

Natural wear and tear on elbow joint cartilage can lead to osteoarthritis, and this issue can lead to pain when you bend or straighten your elbow. Cartilage helps cushion the ends of the bones in the elbow joint. It also helps reduce friction as the joint moves. People with elbow osteoarthritis tend to feel pain when moving this joint, and the pain is typically caused by the bones rubbing together as they move. It can also be related to the inflammation that osteoarthritis causes. 

  1. Biceps tendon injury

The biceps tendon connects the biceps muscle to the elbow. Several types of injuries to this tendon can cause pain when bending or straightening the elbow. Biceps tendinitis occurs when the biceps tendon becomes inflamed by repetitive movement or infections, and overstretching or straining this tendon can also lead to movement-related pain. Likewise, biceps tendon tears can lead to high levels of pain when moving your arm in normal ways. 

Panther Physical Therapy can treat your elbow pain

One option you should consider when dealing with pain when you bend or straighten your elbow is physical therapy. Our team at Panther Physical Therapy offers just the therapy you need. We can perform a free screening for you, and this screening is designed to reveal the source of your elbow pain. Our team can also create an individualized treatment plan to tackle your pain. 

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an appointment to start treating your elbow pain.
