Treating your neck issues can also help treat your headaches

How to Cure a Headache

Figuring out how to address a headache naturally may seem almost impossible to you. Instead, you may simply reach for a bottle of pain medication to help dull the pain.

Unfortunately, this scenario is far too familiar for many people. Medical research shows that 96% of us will experience a headache at some point. Instead of turning to medication, consider getting headache treatment from a physical therapist. Their natural therapy options can help address the root cause of many headaches. 

Treating your headaches may start with addressing neck issues

It can be hard for people to figure out how to effectively treat a headache. Your treatment may actually need to focus on an area of your body you may not expect: your neck.

Your physical therapist may focus on this body part because the neck and the head are closely linked together. There’s a group of eight nerves that runs through your neck and into your head; these nerves are called the cervical plexus, and they may be causing your headaches if one of them has become pinched or irritated. 

For example, long hours staring at your cellphone can cause a neck condition called text neck. This condition can cause issues like: 

What treatment techniques can help your neck-based headaches?

Physical therapists have therapy methods at their disposal that can treat the neck issue causing your headaches. Some of these therapy methods include: 

Need treatment for a headache? Panther Physical Therapy can help you!

If you’re ready to find out if a neck problem is causing your headaches, Panther Physical Therapy can help. We offer free screenings that can help determine if a neck issue is causing your headaches. With this information, our team can then build you a personalized physical therapy plan intended to reduce your pain and prevent future headaches. We can even help you get therapy from home thanks to our virtual therapy and at-home care services. 

Contact us today for more information about how we can help with your headaches or to schedule an initial appointment.
