Four ways you could develop latissimus dorsi muscle pain at work

Latissimus Dorsi Muscle Pain

Have you recently been told that the discomfort you’re experiencing is called latissimus dorsi muscle pain? If you have, you’re probably wondering what that means exactly. Let’s break it down. 

What is the latissimus dorsi?

The latissimus dorsi is the large, flat muscle that spans the width of your middle and lower back. This muscle connects your upper arm bone with your spine and hip. You’ve probably heard these muscles referred to as your “lats.” You most often use these muscles to help expand your chest to breathe or to perform movements such as pushing against armrests to lift yourself out of a chair to a standing position.

What causes latissimus dorsi muscle pain?

Just like any muscle in the body, many things can cause pain and discomfort. Depending on your job, you may develop latissimus dorsi muscle pain while at work. Four common sources of pain related to the latissimus dorsi muscle are: 

  • Overuse — If you’re in a field of work that requires repetition and a lot of physical labor, there’s a good chance your lat pain may be from overuse. 
  • Injury — There are many ways to injure yourself and cause pain. 
  • Poor sports technique — If you’re an athlete or just like to play sports, improper technique can lead to pain and discomfort. Maybe you overdid it in the workplace gym or playing golf?
  • Lack of good posture — If you sit at a desk all day, proper posture is so important to preventing aches and pains. 

Symptoms of latissimus dorsi muscle pain

If your latissimus dorsi muscle is injured, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Pain in your back.
  • Discomfort in your shoulders or near your shoulder blades.
  • Pain on the inside of your arms or in your lower arms.
  • Tingling in your fingers.

Dealing with pain is never pleasant, but it’s even more of a struggle when you’re experiencing it while at work or if you were injured on the job. At Panther Physical Therapy, we can help you find the source of your pain and put you on the path to recovery. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.