Four major benefits of treating pain with physical therapy

Physical Therapy Benefits

When you’re in pain, one of your greatest priorities is finding treatment so you can live a better quality of life again. There are different options for treating pain, but one that many people choose is physical therapy.

Physical therapy is a reliable method for treating pain because physical therapists can develop personalized treatments based on the individual’s needs. There are many benefits to visiting a physical therapist for pain treatment. Here’s a look at four of the biggest benefits we think will mean the most for you if you’re looking for pain treatment:

  1. It reduces the need for drugs — It’s common to treat pain and other symptoms of chronic conditions with medications. However, medications often include undesirable side effects that can make the tradeoff of taking them not seem like it’s worth it.

    Physical therapy treatments can help reduce pain and improve your condition to where you can reduce the amount of pain medication you need. In some cases, it may entirely eliminate the need for pain medication.

  2. It reduces the need for surgery — Surgery is usually the last resort for treating pain. Incisions through the muscles and soft tissue are painful and need a lot of time for recovery.

    Physical therapy is a noninvasive type of treatment that can reduce the need for using surgery to treat your pain. However, if you ever do need to have surgery, physical therapy can improve your recovery.

  3. It helps prevent future pain — At the core of many physical therapy treatments are exercising and stretching. Building the strength and flexibility of specific muscles can improve structural support for your body. This reduces pressure off of the spine and joints or an injured area. Better support for the body also helps prevent future pain of a similar sort from developing.

  4. It improves your range of motion — It’s common to have limited range of motion with the parts of your body that are in chronic pain. Physical therapists have techniques that can mobilize your joints and improve the condition of your muscles and soft tissue. This can help you resume some of your favorite activities or to walk around with less of a risk of falling.

Visit Panther Physical Therapy for pain treatment

If you’re suffering from chronic or sudden pain, you may benefit from physical therapy. Our team at Panther Physical Therapy can evaluate your physical condition and determine how physical therapy can help you. Contact our team today to learn more about physical therapy or to schedule an initial appointment.
