A trusted provider of chronic pain treatment in Harmony, PA

Chronic Pain Treatment in Harmony

If chronic pain has left you searching for treatment, Panther Physical Therapy is here to help. Our physical therapy center in Harmony, Pennsylvania, provides hope to patients who require treatment for chronic pain from a variety of neurological and musculoskeletal sources, and has proudly done so since our founding in 2003.

What does chronic pain treatment entail?

“Chronic pain” is defined as pain that lingers for more than 12 weeks. Unlike acute pain that typically points to a specific injury, the source of chronic pain is sometimes much less clear. Because of this, the first step of treatment is often finding its source. Several techniques may be used to diagnose chronic pain, such as neurological and physical examination, blood work and various imaging tests. Patients may also be asked about how their feelings factor into their symptoms, as many types of pain have an emotional response.

The specifics of pain treatment will vary from patient to patient. Based on each individual’s diagnosis and symptoms, the physical therapists at our center in Harmony, Pennsylvania, may suggest evidence-based techniques like therapeutic exercise and manual adjustments, and conservative methods like ultrasound therapy and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), to reduce or eliminate pain and maximize mobility. This approach helps our patients avoid potentially addictive narcotics and other medications that are temporary fixes.

Do I need chronic pain treatment?

Many people tend to give up on finding relief from their chronic pain and simply accept their symptoms as a normal part of life. At Panther Physical Therapy, we believe this should never be the case. Even if a patient’s chronic pain cannot be completely cured, there are several steps that can be taken to effectively manage symptoms and enjoy a better quality of life.  

We encourage you to contact our center in Harmony, Pennsylvania to learn more or to schedule an initial appointment. We would be happy to provide you with more information about our practice, therapists and conservative approach to chronic pain treatment.

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