Days and weeks of pain. Extended periods of time off work. Financial hardship. These are all things you could experience if you develop a work injury. Unfortunately, far too many Americans end up dealing with work injuries. In fact, researchers reveal that more than 900,000 U.S. adults were injured on the job in 2018. One
Need work injury treatment? A physical therapist can help!
October 5th, 2020Physical therapists can help you find lower back pain treatment
October 3rd, 2020Walking your kids to the bus stop. Loading the dishwasher. Getting through a whole day of work. If you suffer from lower back pain, you know how difficult such everyday tasks can become. It’s estimated that 80% of adults experience back pain at some point in their lifetime. This means that you’re not alone in
Find excellent physical therapy in Allison Park, PA
October 2nd, 2020Lower back pain from lifting a heavy box at work. A strained shoulder muscle from hanging on to your dog’s leash. Knee pain from running around the backyard with your kids or grandkids. All these issues and more can benefit from help from a physical therapist. There is a lot to consider when choosing a