Have you ever thought about what it would be like to feel pain throughout your body? Take a second and think about it. Most people will conclude that this scenario doesn’t sound like much fun at all. Yet it’s exactly what many fibromyalgia patients deal with regularly. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition; medical research
Three exercises used in hip impingement physical therapy
May 24th, 2021Are you feeling pain in your groin as you walk? Have you noticed that you’re not able to move your hip as much? People who said yes to both of these questions may have a hip impingement. This condition is also called femoro acetabular impingement (FAI), and it’s a common cause of hip pain. One
Who can help you break up scar tissue?
April 1st, 2021Many people have small scars from a scrape or cut. Often, these fade away with time. However, scar tissue inside your body can be more problematic. You can find ways to break up internal scar tissue, and one medical professional who can help you break up internal scar tissue is a physical therapist. How do