Stiff and Achy Neck

Living with a stiff and achy neck? Physical therapy can help!

August 3rd, 2020

Everyone wakes up feeling some pain in their joints or muscles from time to time. But if you find yourself consistently waking up stiff and achy, you could be dealing with an issue that needs professional treatment.  Aching or stiffness in your body can be a minor problem that is easily remedied. In other cases,

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Sports Injury Causes

Three leading causes of sports injuries

July 8th, 2020

A sports injury is something that every person may suffer at some point in their athletic career. In fact, it’s estimated that 8.6 million Americans are injured while playing sports or doing other recreational activities every year.  Every sport has some risk involved, and this is true for athletes of all levels. A professional athlete

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Low Back Pain Treatment

Three therapy options to consider for low back pain treatment

March 5th, 2020

Low back pain can make it more difficult to do many normal daily tasks. Walking could become a burden. Bending over to pick up objects could become nearly impossible. Even just bending forward to grab your drink off the table could lead to pain. It’s estimated that about 80% of people will experience lower back

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