Neck misalignment: Symptoms, signs and treatments

May 5th, 2023

Neck misalignment can reveal itself in a number of different ways. This condition can lead to serious discomfort and even chronic neck pain. If you feel a sharp pain in your neck after a long day of work, or experience neck pain when you wake up in the morning, you may be suffering from neck

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Stiff Neck Treatment

Three types of stiff neck treatment your physical therapist may use

September 6th, 2021

Chronic neck stiffness commonly affects many people. On average, several hours every day are spent looking down at our phone screens or other devices. This can lead to bad posture, which can contribute to a stiff neck. Ignoring this problem can make it worse. That’s why seeking treatment for a stiff neck can lead to

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How to Relieve Stiff Neck

How to relieve a stiff neck without taking medication

August 6th, 2021

Dealing with a stiff neck can put a damper on your life. Many of us spend time looking at screens like the phone and the computer, which can contribute to chronic neck stiffness. There can also be many other different causes behind a stiff neck, like labor-intensive jobs or an injury. Regardless of the underlying

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