Balance Training for Seniors

Three issues that can be treated by senior balance training

November 1st, 2019

It’s common knowledge that seniors can have more trouble keeping their balance. But you might not realize that balance problems are often caused by a deeper issue. Physical therapy is one of the options that can help treat underlying issues causing balance difficulties. In fact, many physical therapy teams offer balance training for seniors, and

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Auto Accident Injury Treatment

Three tips to shorten auto accident injury treatment process

October 4th, 2019

According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), there were almost 6.5 million car accidents in the U.S. in 2017. Of this total, about 1.9 million led to an injury. If you or someone you know has been injured in a car accident, auto accident injury treatment can help you recover. However, your recovery process could

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Chronic Muscle Tension

Three factors that can cause chronic muscle tension

September 4th, 2019

Many of us have probably experienced tense, sore muscles after a workout, but what happens if this tension doesn’t go away? When muscles stay tense for weeks or months, this condition is called chronic muscle tension, and it can lead to symptoms like pain, muscle weakness and sensations of tingling or numbness. If you’re dealing

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