Exercises to Improve Balance for Seniors

Discover two exercises to help improve balance for seniors

December 8th, 2020

Feeling unbalanced when you walk for short distances? Do you feel wobbly when getting up from or sitting down in a chair? If you answered yes, then it’s likely that you could use some help improving your balance.  As our bodies age, they wear out, and this wearing often affects our ability to balance ourselves.

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Vestibular Rehabilitation Near Me

Can vestibular rehab near you be helpful?

February 2nd, 2020

Balance is an attribute that comes and goes as we age. When you’re a child, you learn how to balance yourself well enough to walk. But balancing can become hard again as you grow older or if you have certain medical issues. Vestibular rehabilitation from a physical therapist near you can help you deal with

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Balance Training for Seniors

Three issues that can be treated by senior balance training

November 1st, 2019

It’s common knowledge that seniors can have more trouble keeping their balance. But you might not realize that balance problems are often caused by a deeper issue. Physical therapy is one of the options that can help treat underlying issues causing balance difficulties. In fact, many physical therapy teams offer balance training for seniors, and

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