There are few issues that can affect your day quite so completely as lower back pain. This issue can make it harder to concentrate on your work. It can make walking your dog a true pain, and your pain may even keep you from playing with your kids or grandkids. You’re not alone if you’re
Two physical therapy exercises that are helpful for back pain
February 6th, 2021Top two benefits of physical therapy exercises for sciatica
November 8th, 2020Pain that makes it harder to bend forward or sit for long periods of time. Burning sensations that run from one side of your lower back to your feet. Weakness in one of your legs. These are all signs that you could have a lower back issue called sciatica. It’s estimated that this lower back
Examples of physical therapy exercises for lower back pain
November 1st, 2020Lower back pain can definitely make your life more difficult. It can make bending over to pick up a dropped pencil harder. You might not have as much fun walking the dog every day. However, there are options that can help you treat your lower back pain and regain your ability to do normal daily