Manual therapy is one of the cornerstones of physical therapy treatment. This set of hands-on techniques is a form of passive therapy that a practitioner can use to accomplish goals such as relieving pain, restoring function and promoting the body’s healing process. Manual therapy can treat a wide range of conditions and injuries, from arthritis
Stroke physical therapy and rehabilitation in Allison Park, PA
July 7th, 2019If you or someone you love has suffered from a stroke, you understand the devastating impact it can have on quality of life and the ability to carry out the activities of daily living. Since a stroke affects the brain, the results can have an impact on nearly every basic function, from motor skills to
Signs you need balance disorder treatment
June 15th, 2019Do you feel dizzy or unsteady? When you walk, do you feel like you’re going to fall over? Are you experiencing any blurriness, lightheadedness or a floating sensation? If so, this may be a sign that you have a balance disorder and need immediate treatment. Balance disorder is often caused by problems such as ear