Fall Prevention Physical Therapy fall risk assessment

How (and where) to get a fall risk assessment

December 16th, 2023

Falling is a common type of incident, but they are always scary to experience. Some falls cause no injuries, allowing you to quickly bounce back onto your feet. But if you fall on a rough surface or land awkwardly, it can cause painful injuries that don’t always heal in the blink of an eye. Many

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Vestibular Therapy Near Me

Why would people be looking for vestibular therapy near them?

July 26th, 2021

We rely on our balance every day to get us where we’re going. Most of us can walk around without thinking about it, and we take our balance for granted. But when our balance is impaired, it can be seriously debilitating. If you suffer from a loss of balance, a vestibular disorder may be the

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Balance Issues

Three common balance issues among older adults

February 5th, 2021

Have you ever tripped and lost your balance? The odds are good that you have. What you might not know is that it gets harder to maintain your balance as you get older.  Many older Americans develop balance issues, and this is one reason why about 3 million older people are treated for fall injuries

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