Why do I feel shoulder pain when running?

Shoulder Pain When Running

Running may be your favorite form of exercise, but your running may grind to a halt when it becomes painful. If you feel shoulder pain when running, you may be wondering what could be responsible for it. After all, running works your lower extremities, so it’s hard to understand why your shoulders may be in pain. 

Are you wondering why you feel shoulder pain when running and how to make it stop? There are several factors that can contribute to shoulder pain during a run, but the good news is that physical therapy can help.

What could be causing my shoulder pain when running?

Here is the first thing to remember if you experience shoulder pain when running: While you have several different muscles, your body works together as a holistic unit. That means all of your muscles can and usually do work together to achieve a certain goal. 

If you have shoulder pain while on a run, the first thing to analyze is your form. If you have poor running posture, like rounding your shoulders forward, then it can cause stress and tension. This tension can eventually cause pain in your shoulders.

Another thing to consider is your shoulder strength. If you never exercise your back, you may have an asymmetry in your muscular system that should be balanced with some shoulder exercises.

A physical therapist can help manage your shoulder pain when running with targeted therapeutic exercises. These exercises can include specific stretching techniques for loosening your shoulders up. It may also include strengthening exercises for building up your shoulders so they don’t round forward while you are running.

Are you ready to take your running to the next level? Panther PT is ready to help relieve your shoulder pain 

Running can be a fun and healthy form of exercise. However, it’s important to remember that when you feel pain, your body is trying to tell you something. You shouldn’t ignore shoulder pain if you experience it. Our specialists at Panther Physical Therapy are experts in treating shoulder pain. We are prepared to build you a personalized treatment plan that helps you get back to running with confidence.

Contact our team today for more information about shoulder pain or to schedule an initial appointment.