What is frozen shoulder pain like?

What Is Frozen Shoulder Pain Like

Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, is a condition that develops gradually, and so does the pain it causes. Initially, frozen shoulder pain may feel like an aching in your shoulder. However, your pain can become severe as your condition worsens. 

Adhesive capsulitis commonly affects women more than men. This condition also tends to develop in people who are between 40 and 60 years old. Medical research reveals that up to 5% of people experience frozen shoulder annually. Physical therapists can help you learn more about what frozen shoulder pain is like and how it can progress. They can also assist you with effective frozen shoulder treatment

What does frozen shoulder pain feel like as your condition progresses?

Adhesive capsulitis patients tend to go through three stages. In each stage, what your pain is like can be very different, and it can take you up to three years to go through all three stages. The frozen shoulder stages are: 

  • Freezing stage — Pain slowly builds up during this first stage. You may feel pain when you move or sleep on the affected shoulder. Your shoulder range of motion (ROM) will gradually decrease as well. The freezing stage can last anywhere from six weeks to nine months
  • Frozen stage — Your stiffness will be at its peak in this stage. In many cases, patients report feeling less pain during the frozen stage. Normal daily activities like dressing will become very difficult during this second stage. It can take between four and six months to progress through the frozen stage. 
  • Thawing stage — This stage typically lasts between six months and two to three years. There is often little pain during the thawing stage, and your shoulder ROM will gradually return. However, some patients may not regain full shoulder mobility. 

What can physical therapists do to treat frozen shoulder?

Physical therapy is one of the first-line treatment options for adhesive capsulitis. In most cases, a physical therapist will create a therapy plan for you that contains multiple techniques. Some of the techniques your therapy plan may use are: 

Panther PT can help treat your frozen shoulder

Are you feeling what frozen shoulder pain is like? Panther Physical Therapy has a top-notch team that is ready and willing to help you treat your frozen shoulder symptoms. Our specialists can do a free screening of your shoulder to pinpoint which stage your shoulder is in. Next, we can construct a physical therapy plan that’s unique to your specific needs. 

Want to treat your frozen shoulder from home? No problem! Our team offers at-home care and virtual therapy services that allow us to provide in-home treatment. 

Contact our team today for more information about what we can do for your adhesive capsulitis or to schedule your initial appointment.