Three ways to manage headache symptoms during the holidays

headache symptoms

The holiday season is good at creating big headaches for most of us at least once or twice. For patients who suffer chronic headaches, the extra stress of the season can detract from the joy this time of year brings. Check out these three simple things you can do to manage your headache symptoms during the festivities.

Don’t skip the exercise

With many people’s hectic schedules during the holidays, taking time to exercise is usually one of the first things to go. After all, with the new year right around the corner, you can resolve to pick up where you left off next year.

As tempting as that may be, resist the urge to put off exercise. Your body produces endorphins that help you feel good during and after a workout. In addition, exercise relieves stress which can trigger headache symptoms.

Watch what you eat

During the holidays we are more likely to indulge in foods that we normally wouldn’t and often in quantities we really shouldn’t. It’s totally fine to occasionally satisfy that sweet tooth. However, there are certain foods and drink that are more likely to trigger headaches such as:

  • Spicy foods
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Cured meats and cheeses
  • Excess caffeine
  • Alcohol

Other triggers may be unique to you, so it is vital to keep track of what foods may cause a flare-up in your headache symptoms. In addition, staying hydrated by drinking lots of water will help keep headaches at bay.

Take time for yourself

While we often think of others during the holiday season, it is important for us not to forget about our own needs. Anxiety and stress are two of the most common triggers of headaches. Taking on too much or trying to please everyone can leave you stressed out and your head throbbing.

When it comes to planning the next holiday party, family get together or gift exchange, don’t be afraid to ask for help as many hands make light work. This will allow you to still take some time for yourself to stay cool and collected. Even 15 minutes of time to destress can help reduce anxiety and chances you end up with a flare-up of your headache symptoms.

Panther Physical Therapy is experienced in helping people treat their headaches through physical therapy. Contact us today to set up your initial consultation and answer questions you may have about your treatment options.

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