Three reasons for lower back pain when you’re working from home

Reasons for Lower Back Pain

The pandemic that the U.S. has been experiencing has led to many changes. People are spending lots of time isolated at home. They’re interacting with fewer people. Most importantly, there are more people working from home than ever before. 

Working from home does have plenty of benefits, but it can also be a reason that you develop lower back pain. Lower back pain, or lumbar pain, is a common problem for Americans. One recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 25% of U.S. adults had experienced lumbar pain in the past three months. 

Physical therapists can help you determine the reason you’ve developed lower back pain while working from home. They can help you find effective treatment for your lumbar pain, too. 

Three reasons home workers may be experiencing lower back pain

  1. The chair you’re sitting on — Many people who are currently working from home are doing so from makeshift workstations. Often, they don’t have access to an ergonomic office chair, so they end up sitting on a hard, unergonomic chair. Sitting in such chairs during your work hours can put stress on your lower back that triggers pain. 
  1. The desk you’re sitting at — In a formal office setting, most people have access to a desk that’s designed to prevent injuries. However, people who have suddenly become home workers may not have this luxury. 

In many cases, their desk is any flat surface they can find, including their lap. Not sitting at an actual desk means you’re more likely to bend forward while you’re working. In turn, this can leave your lower back sore. 

  1. The computer you’re working with — For many people working at home, a laptop is all they have available. This means that you might spend hours every day bent over to see your laptop screen. Such a scenario is tailor-made for causing weakness and discomfort in your lower back. 

Physical therapy can help you address these reasons for lower back pain

Physical therapists are trained to address the underlying issues behind musculoskeletal disorders like lower back pain in addition to the pain itself. There are many techniques that can help them do so. A few of these techniques include: 

  • Manual therapy intended to realign the lumbar spine and reduce soft tissue tension. 

Find help for your lower back pain at Panther Physical Therapy

Need to address the reasons for your lower back pain? Our team at Panther Physical Therapy is prepared to assist you. We can do a free screening of your lower back to determine the root cause of your pain. Our specialists are also adept at creating customized physical therapy plans designed to: 

  • Reduce your current pain. 
  • Improve lower back strength and flexibility. 
  • Increase your ability to do normal daily activities. 
  • Decrease your risk of future lumbar pain.

Contact our team today for more information about the services we offer for lumbar pain or to schedule your initial appointment.