How to cure frozen shoulder more quickly with a physical therapist’s help

How to Cure Frozen Shoulder Quickly

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, can be a debilitating and painful condition. If you have your arm’s range of motion impaired, it can make simple daily tasks frustrating or even impossible. 

Do you suffer from frozen shoulder and want to get rid of it as soon as possible? If you want to cure frozen shoulder quickly, the most common method of treatment is physical therapy. 

What causes frozen shoulder? 

Frozen shoulder occurs when the tissue that comprises your shoulder joint becomes thicker over time. When you develop this excess tissue, it can form scarring. This scar tissue blocks the joint from moving normally. When there is not enough space for your shoulder joint to rotate properly, it’s called frozen shoulder. 

The most common symptoms associated with this condition are swelling, pain, stiffness and a limited range of motion. The most susceptible age group for this condition are those between the ages of 40 and 60.

How can physical therapy help cure my frozen shoulder quickly? 

The most common treatment for frozen shoulder is physical therapy. Leaving the condition untreated may lead to your symptoms remaining for months or even years. Early treatment is also effective in preventing frozen shoulder from becoming even worse over time. These are some of the common techniques used in physical therapy that may help cure your frozen shoulder quickly: 

  • Exercise — Your physical therapist will show you targeted exercises. These will help strengthen the muscles around your shoulder. This can help reduce the strain on your shoulder joint and help restore your lost range of motion.
  • Stretching — Stretching is also important for reducing the stiffness of your frozen shoulder. Regular stretching can help increase your flexibility over time. Your physical therapist will demonstrate the best stretches for frozen shoulder.
  • Joint mobilization — This technique is a kind of manual therapy. The physical therapist will use their hands to mobilize your joints. This technique can be effective in improving your range of motion.

Panther Physical Therapy is prepared to help cure your frozen shoulder quickly 

If you want to speed up the recovery of your frozen shoulder, Panther Physical Therapy can help. Our team are experts in shoulder pain relief, and we are ready to help you reduce the pain and discomfort caused by your frozen shoulder. We are prepared to build you a personalized treatment plan to help mobilize your shoulder joint and restore your arm flexibility. 

Contact our team today for more information about how we can treat your frozen shoulder or to schedule an initial appointment.