ankle pain running

Why do I have ankle pain while running?

January 8th, 2021

Running is an excellent activity for engaging your muscles and cardiovascular health, but it comes with a catch: Running is a high-impact activity that can stress the joints in your legs and lower back. Every step you take while running — especially if running on a hard surface or wearing improper footwear — introduces a

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how to sleep with a stiff neck and shoulder

Four tips for how to sleep with a stiff neck and shoulder

January 7th, 2021

Nobody is a stranger to a sore or stiff neck or shoulder. Mild soreness and pain is a normal part of life that may occur from overexertion or sitting with poor posture for too long. However, when your neck and shoulders are frequently stiff, it can be hard to get a good night’s sleep.  By

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what is golfer's elbow

What is golfer’s elbow and how do you treat it?

January 6th, 2021

Everyone has heard of medial epicondylitis, right? Well, probably not. But what you may have heard of is its common term: golfer’s elbow. Golfer’s elbow is one of the many forms of chronic pain that can affect the soft tissue in your elbow. When you have golfer’s elbow, it can hurt to bend your elbow

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