physical therapy breaking up scar tissue

Breaking up scar tissue with physical therapy

October 4th, 2023

Scar tissue can develop due to injury, trauma or surgery. Scar development is completely normal, occurring when the fibrous tissue replaces normal tissue during the body’s natural healing process. Scar tissue is less elastic as the healthy tissue it replaces. While its purpose is to help heal and protect the body, it can also restrict

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5 things I wish I knew before shoulder surgery

March 3rd, 2023

Shoulder surgery can be a daunting process. Like any surgical procedure, it’s important to be prepared before going in. Doctors will often tell you what to expect during the surgery. You should also consider the longer-lasting effects that can continue once your operation is complete. Though surgery can be intimidating, education can help. Learning about

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herniated disc sciatica

5 things that can make your sciatica worse

February 5th, 2023

Are you suffering from lower back pain? There’s a good chance it could be related to sciatica. Up to 5% of adults experience sciatica symptoms every year, which may include:  Sharp pain that radiates from your lower back. Pain on one side of your body. Tingling or burning that radiates from the lower back. Muscle

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