5 beneficial PT types you’ll find in Wexford, PA

Physical Therapy in Wexford

Everybody could benefit from physical therapy at some point in their lives. The reasons people look for physical therapy near them can often vary. So, naturally, there are varying types of services many providers offer. If you or someone you know has become less mobile as a result of pain or injury, seeking out a physical therapy location near where you live is likely your best option. If your transportation options are limited, it can also be smart to look for providers nearby. It may also be helpful to seek out PT care near you because the care provider will likely be more familiar with things like your location’s age demographic, environment and terrain, and primary industries. As a result, they will likely be more familiar with the effects of these factors on the local population’s physical health.

What are some types of physical therapy that people can access in Wexford?

  1. Core strengthening Access to core strengthening therapy is valuable for a number of reasons. This type of PT leads to a stronger abdomen, pelvis, hips, and lower back muscles. Core strength is necessary for both rigorous physical activity and daily activity.
  1. ACL and injury prevention — Building knee strength through ACL injury treatment and prevention is critical. For many female athletes, knee strength training can significantly reduce the risk of ACL injury. This type of physical therapy is readily available in Wexford, Pennsylvania.
  1. Ergonomics assessments — The physical therapists in Wexford can make recommendations for changes to your work routine or the movements you make at work. They can suggest changes in posture, chair types and even exercises that can be completed at work.
  1. Pain management — Having access to appropriate pain management resources is essential. Those suffering and in pain can find relief with the physical therapists in Wexford. During pain management and treatment, therapists will assess possible causes of the discomfort. Once they evaluate your pain levels, they can create a treatment plan customized to your needs.
  1. Sports injury treatment — Wexford’s sports injury treatment can help athletes, both young and old. Sports performance PT can maximize performance capabilities and protect against sports injuries.


These are a few of the many physical therapy services offered by Panther Physical Therapy in Wexford. To view our other services, click here.

Panther Physical Therapy wants to be your physical therapy provider

Panther Physical Therapy wants to help you find the physical therapy treatment you’re looking for in Wexford. Our team of skilled therapists is always being educated and trained in the latest treatment techniques. We’ve got your back.

Take control of your life, and choose the best type of physical therapy for your unique needs. If you’re looking for highly effective physical therapy treatment, contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment at one of our three locations nearest you.